Decoding the Art of Conversation: Practical Advice and Strategies

Using curiosity and impactful language for better business interactions
Photo by Mediensturmer / Unsplash

In a recent insightful presentation “Mastering Critical Conversations: Empower Yourself with Exactly What to Say,” Beth Granger, a trainer, consultant, speaker, and Exactly What to Say® Certified Guide, shed light on the nuances of mastering conversations, particularly when the stakes are high, such as during job interviews or at networking occasions. She stressed the crucial role of genuine communication and building rapport in forging meaningful professional relationships.

Highlighting the art of conversation, Granger introduced the audience to the “Triangle of Trust.” This innovative concept maps out the evolution of discussions, starting from a base of curiosity, moving through understanding and empathy, and finally culminating in trust. Central to her guidance is utilizing curiosity not just as a means to initiate dialogue, but as a foundation for developing deep, empathetic connections that are rooted in mutual trust. The “5 Step Dance” strategy she proposes centers around the fact that curiosity and asking questions is the fuel for conversations, those conversations become relationships, and those strong relationships are what lead to opportunity and action.

Granger also discussed the crucial aspect of choosing one’s words carefully. Through what she calls the ‘Powerful Words Exercise,’ she urged participants to analyze how their words could influence the thoughts, emotions, and actions of potential employers or clients, both prior to and following an interaction. This strategic approach to communication is designed to help tailor one’s message more effectively, increasing the likelihood of achieving positive outcomes in various professional scenarios, including job interviews and networking interactions.

Furthermore, Granger encouraged the use of powerful phrases such as “Are you open to: and  “help me understand” in order to start and stay in conversations long enough to get the information you need and to build trust. She also advocated for the use of the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to make storytelling a powerful tool in engaging with and persuading one’s audience.

The presentation wrapped up with several actionable suggestions, such as striking the right balance between using “we” and “I” in conversations, adapting to the other person’s communication style to establish rapport, and honing storytelling and networking skills to optimize one’s conversational impact. Drawing on Granger’s session, this narrative offers concrete steps for improving communication skills, thereby enhancing one’s ability to succeed in important professional engagements.

About Beth Granger 

Beth Granger is a trainer, consultant, speaker, and Exactly What to Say® Certified Guide, who works with business leaders and organizations so they can network into the right prospects, have more powerful conversations with their teams, and be known as thought leaders in their industry. Beth takes people from confused to confident when having critical conversations online, on LinkedIn™, and in person.

Her clients call her part friend, part consultant, part confidante, a sales enabler, and a LinkedIn Oracle.

LinkedIn recognizes Beth’s skills and frequently asks her to be a beta tester for features such as LinkedIn Live, LinkedIn Audio, and newsletters.

Beth is on the board of the NYC Chapter of National Speakers Association, and an advisory board member of the Social Media Association.

If you would like to learn more about these concepts, you can hire Beth for your organization, follow Beth on LinkedIn™ or join her mailing list to be notified about future presentations.

Michael Bud

Michael Bud has been with The FENG since 1999, where he has led the development of its digital footprint and modernized operations, driving growth in the professional networking space for financial executives. In addition to his strategic contributions, Michael provides in-depth analyses and thoughtful summaries of key meetings for The Financial Executives Journal, offering valuable insights into the discussions shaping The FENG community.

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