Immersive Technologies: Charting the Future of Manufacturing

At the recent meeting of The Financial Executives Networking Group‘s Manufacturing Special Interest Group, Markus Rimmele, of DigitalituM, ushered in a new era for the manufacturing sector, shining light on the transformative power of immersive technologies. The core of the discussion revolved around the innovative applications of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) in the manufacturing industry.↗

Rimmele expounded on the myriad of benefits from leveraging immersive technology in various facets of manufacturing. From simulating complex machinery and enhancing marketing initiatives, to enriching technical training regimes and facilitating remote troubleshooting, these digital tools are making their mark in revolutionizing conventional operations.

Immersive technology’s real-world applications were brought to the forefront during the discussion, with Rimmele providing an array of practical examples – from using QR codes and mobile devices for on-the-spot information access and troubleshooting to harnessing subscription-based software applications for intricate machinery and equipment maintenance.

The meeting further delved into the potential of immersive technology in the defense industry, and its feasibility in clean rooms, including the systems handling classified work instructions.

The emphasis on the importance of small and medium manufacturers in this digitalization revolution was also noteworthy. With DigitalituM’s promise of providing this transformative knowledge to smaller manufacturers at affordable rates, the democratization of innovation was put into focus.

Overall, the meeting spotlighted the paradigm shift that the manufacturing industry is poised for, powered by the transformative influence of immersive technologies, driving efficiencies, shaping customer experiences, and underlining an era of rapid evolution in manufacturing.

Watch the full presentation here

About the Markus Rimmele

Markus Rimmele is a highly accomplished industrial automation professional with over two decades of experience in the field. He began his career as a Mechatronic Technician in South Germany in 1992. Subsequently, he obtained an Electrical Engineering degree in Germany in 2002, followed by an Executive Master’s in Business Administration (EMBA) from Georgia State University in 2018.

Throughout his career, Markus has been involved in all aspects of customized production machine manufacturing, from engineering design to installation to life cycle management. His expertise in European manufacturing technology for the North American market spans multiple industry verticals, including automotive, medical device, solar energy, material handling/warehouse automation, and customized packaging solutions.

Markus is passionate about digital transformation in manufacturing and life cycle management and holds certifications in Reliability (CRL) and Maintenance Management (CMM), Lean Six Sigma, Change Management, and Machine Safety.

In 2021, Markus founded DigitalituM to focus on consulting, and implementing digitalization tools for the manufacturing industry using cutting-edge AR/VR, IoT, and AI technologies.

Markus co-facilitates the Digitalization Consortium with the Reliability Leadership Foundation as a volunteer. He has contributed to the books “Uptime Elements – Internet of Things – Digitalization Knowledge Domain” and ”Uptime Elements Implementation Guide (2nd Edition) Enabling the Reliability and Sustainability Journey” by

Markus is a sought-after speaker and has delivered workshops on digital transformation and related topics at conferences such as Maximoworld and IMC. His extensive industry knowledge and commitment to innovation and excellence, have made him a valued leader in industrial automation, a guest in industry related podcasts and host in his own podcast via or

Michael Bud

Michael Bud has been with The FENG since 1999, where he has led the development of its digital footprint and modernized operations, driving growth in the professional networking space for financial executives. In addition to his strategic contributions, Michael provides in-depth analyses and thoughtful summaries of key meetings for The Financial Executives Journal, offering valuable insights into the discussions shaping The FENG community.

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